

說這個家是「大樹之家」,還因為他們四代同堂穩穩地在新竹紮根,既承襲了先人的風采,又不斷冒出新枝;已過世的老阿公楊甘陵是台灣第一位領有日本證照的樹醫,他將衣缽交棒到長孫女楊淳婷手上; 93歲老阿媽楊黃月英潛心修道;70歲的媳婦陳秋香挺過九二一大地震與家族的震盪,以日式教育方式嚴謹持家;孫子楊宗翰與孫媳婦吳雅婷為這個家族開枝散葉帶來了三個寶貝,讓這個大樹家族搖曳生姿。






這個大樹之家會長成什麼模樣?新的枝葉該如何修剪?是修剪成讓人欣賞的盆景呢?還是自然生長成參天大樹? 讓我們一起期待這個大樹之家的故事。


44-year-old Ting grew up in a wooded courtyard house planted by her green-fingered grandfather, Taiwan's first certified tree doctor. She later followed in her grandfather's footsteps to study at the same Japanese university and is today a certified tree doctor traveling the country tending to the needs of ailing trees. However, though Ting is the bosslady when it comes to trees, it's her fashion-conscious, septuagenarian mom Flora who runs the roost at home. Today, we meet Ting as she balances running a busy tree clinic with managing the demands of a somewhat overbearing mother. Ting emulated her grandpa to study arboriculture, so why did she resist taking over the family tree clinic? What transformation in the family home has forced Ting's mom Flora to change her tiger-mom ways? Ting is a perfectionist who puts great demands on herself, so how does she de-stress when the going gets tough? Let's find out!